Books and journals 19th-21st c.
Since its establishment in 1856, the Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Cracow collects books and periodicals on various scientific topics. Thanks to the book exchange with several Polish and foreign institutions, we have a unique collection of international scientific publications and journals from 19th-21st centuries. It includes complete holdings of journals issued by the most prominent European scientific societies, like the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften and French Académie des Sciences. As a library of one of the oldest Polish scientific institutions, the Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Cracow has a complete collection of the publications of the Cracow Learned Society, the Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow.
Thanks to generous gifts from the AAS and the PAAS members we provide access to unique, otherwise unavailable in Poland academic publications from various disciplines. Today, our readers’ generous donations complement our collections.
Currently (as of 2017) we have 213’345 volumes of books and 347’512 volumes of periodicals.